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Cum poate fi adus focul haric: varianta covid

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Metoda a fost folosită pentru prima dată în 1976. Exact la fel poate fi transmis şi focul haric în casele oamenilor. Mai este nevoie de un dispozitiv special conectat la priză. Pentru a evita monopolizarea, ideea trebuie patentată cât mai repede. Ca să n-o facă primul Înaltpreasfințitul.

The Olympic Flame for Montreal 1976 was “electronically” transmitted via satellite from Athens to Ottawa, by means of an electronic pulse derived from the actual burning flame. From Ottawa, it was carried by hand to Montreal. After a rainstorm doused the Olympic flame a few days after the Games had opened, an official relit the flame using his cigarette lighter. Organisers quickly doused it again and relit it using a backup of the original flame.

Written by kirpi4

May 1st, 2021 at 4:33 pm

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